Community Updates

  • 03 Feb 2025 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here are the recycling dates for 2025:

    2/6 7/10

    2/20 7/24

    3/6 8/7

    3/20 8/21

    4/3 9/11

    4/17 9/25

    5/1 10/9

    5/15 10/23

    5/29 11/6

    6/12 11/20

    6/26 12/4


  • 18 Sep 2024 12:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please note that the Community Group office has moved to a new location, see below:

    Associa Community Group

    4480 Cox Road, Suite 200

    Glen Allen, VA. 23060

    Phone # is 804-270-1800

    Fax # is 804-346-8640

  • 01 Nov 2019 10:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Independence Golf Cart Path Information

    Please Respect Private Property

    We are receiving reports of residents walking golf course trails and exploring the wooded areas beside walking paths along Founder Bridge Blvd.  Please remind family members and visitors that these areas are private property and that we have no special access privileges.  

    IGC has provided a process for those wishing to use golf course trails and to fish the ponds. In the spirit of relieving the stress of social isolation, IGC has changed the cart path walking times for now. You can now walk before 8:30 a.m. and after 8 p.m Friday through Sunday and  before 9 a.m. and after 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. It requires registration and adherence to certain rules, the waiver form is attached.  In particular, only paying customers should be on the golf course property between the hours of 8:30 a.m.- 8 p.m.,  Friday through Sunday and 9 a.m.- 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday. IGC does not mind pets on the cart paths but any pet waste must be picked up and NOT disposed of in the golf course trash cans, the waste must be taken away and disposed of away from the course. With so many people cooped up at home, we realize everyone is looking for safe activities during the day.  If you’d like to spend time on the golf course, consider paying for a round.  You might find that you love the game!

    Release of Liability for Cart Path

  • 15 Jan 2019 9:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If your trash is ever missed, please contact County Waste at 804-843-9288. You can contact Maria Durbin at but your email will not be received until the following Monday.

    As a reminder, the trash pickups are not delayed for holidays as they have been in the past, see below:

    July 4th-on schedule

    Labor Day-on schedule

    Thanksgiving-one day delay, pickup on Saturday

    Christmas-one day delay, pickup on Saturday

    New Years Day-one day delay, pick up on Saturday

    Recycling is now taking place every other Thursday starting July 13th, 2023. Below is a list of acceptable and non acceptable items. Please put your recycling cart at your curb on Wednesday night and return it to your storage area by night fall after it is emptied. Recycling carts should not be visible from the road just like the trash cans.

    Trash parameters:

    You are able to place up to 5 bags of leaves or yard debris out with their trash service each week.  If there is room in the County Waste trash cart we ask that it is filled prior to placing them on the side.  The bags need to be light enough for the driver to lift into the trash cart so he can dispose of it in the truck.  There is not stipulation between a paper or plastic bag being used.  Bundles of sticks and twigs can be placed out in place of the yard waste bags, again they need to be bundled small enough for the driver to easily place inside the cart so he can dispose of them in the truck.   

    They ask that all trash materials are bagged prior to placing inside of the trash can this includes dog waste bags, whether curbside or back door collection. This is to help prevent any type of materials being left behind or animals getting into prior to service. Properly bagging is even more paramount for back door service as the crews do pull bags from inside of the containers. If there are items that are not bagged or not sealed properly they may get left inside of the can as the crew cannot reach down to the bottom of the container.  

    accepted and non accepted recycle items

  • 21 Oct 2014 8:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    In the event anyone notices an irrigation emergency or other emergencies during business hours, or non business hours in the POA common areas or the Golf Villas, please call 804-270-1800 and follow the prompts to page the manager on call if after hours or if during business hours, Owner Services can handle the issue. The on call manager or Owner Services will take care of contacting the irrigation company.

    If there is an issue on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., please call 804-794-4477 and the onsite manager will handle the emergency. 

    If the on site manager is not in the office and it is during business hours, please call 804-270-1800 and follow the prompts to "owner services". They will handle contacting the irrigation company.

  • 21 Jan 2014 1:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    An agreement between Powhatan and Chesterfield for automatic mutual fire protection and emergency services was made on October 17, 2013. Please click on link below to review the entire agreement:

    Powhatan/Chesterfield EMS Agreement


  • 02 Aug 2011 8:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The mailbox paint color is Georgetown Green. You can purchase it at Sherwin Williams and the number is 6018-32702 Quart 003979 or just 979. The numbers can be found at Home Depot. If you would like for someone else to paint, replace or repair, your mailbox or post/paper tube, see several options below:

    Mailboxes by Akins-Sylvia Stewart 804-221-5811 or Tom Stewart 804-822-6177

    mailbox post paint info.jpg

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