An Evening in Tuscany
Friday, October 28, 2011
7 p.m.
Founders Bridge Community Center

Join your friends and neighbors as we share a night of Italian food, drink*, and charm!
Featuring pasta and salad from Maggiano's Little Italy & a glass of Tuscan Chianti with dinner.
$12 per person by Wednesday, October 19th. ($16 p.p. Thursday, October 20 - Thursday, October 27)
R.S.V.P. by check to Founders Bridge POA dropped at the Anderson's, 16037 Pine Vale Place.
Limited admission determined on first-received basis due to Community Center Capacity Restrictions.
For information or to help: Stephanie Erbesti,, 464-1268
*Iced tea provided, B.Y.O.B. to enjoy and share encouraged!